Section 12114.

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(a) Each licensed pest control dealer, and each person who is required to be licensed as a pest control dealer pursuant to Section 12101, shall maintain at his or her principal place of business the records of its purchases, sales, and distributions of pesticides into or within this state, including those of its branch locations, for four years. Each dealer shall also maintain the pesticide broker license number of any pesticide broker from whom the dealer purchased pesticides registered by the director and labeled for agricultural use. The records shall be available for audit by the director.

(b) Each licensed pest control dealer, and each person who is required to be licensed as a pest control dealer pursuant to Section 12101, shall report quarterly to the director the total dollars of sales and total pounds or gallons sold into or within this state of each pesticide labeled for agricultural use, for all sales subject to Sections 12841 and 12841.1. The quarterly report shall be in the form prescribed by the director and shall include information from the dealer’s licensed branch locations, if any, and any other information specified on the form or required by the director. The report shall include a certification, under penalty of perjury, that the information contained in the report is true and correct. The report shall accompany payment of assessments required by Sections 12841 and 12841.1.

(Added by renumbering Section 12115.3 by Stats. 1997, Ch. 695, Sec. 10. Effective January 1, 1998.)

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