Section 11303.

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Upon a determination pursuant to Section 11302 that coyotes are finding refuge on state park lands or on an ecological reserve and are causing damage to nearby private property, the director and the Department of Parks and Recreation, with the review and approval of the Director of Fish and Game as to state park lands, or the Department of Fish and Game as to ecological preserves, may enter into an interdepartmental agreement to control coyotes finding refuge on state park lands or on ecological reserves and causing damage to nearby private property. Methods utilized to take the coyotes shall be specific to those coyotes which are causing the damage. The Department of Parks and Recreation or the Department of Fish and Game shall specify the methods of take, location of take, time of take, necessary protections for public safety, protections convenient for state park lands or ecological reserve users and uses, and may specify whether the department is to employ persons to control coyotes pursuant to Article 1 (commencing with Section 11221) or whether control is to be done by the Department of Parks and Recreation or the Department of Fish and Game.

(Added by Stats. 1982, Ch. 1491, Sec. 2.)

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