Orders to reach public employees' retirement benefits

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  1. (a) Notwithstanding § 24-3-212 [repealed] and § 24-7-715 or any other laws of Arkansas limiting the application of legal process to any retirement plans, the Arkansas Teacher Retirement System, the State Police Retirement System, the Arkansas State Highway Employees' Retirement System, the Arkansas Public Employees' Retirement System, the Arkansas Judicial Retirement System, and any other state-supported retirement system shall comply with any qualified domestic relations order as defined in this chapter.

  2. (b) The boards of trustees of the state-supported retirement systems shall:

    1. (1) Establish rules to implement this chapter; and

    2. (2)

      1. (A) Adopt a uniform legal form for use in preparing a qualified domestic relations order for each retirement plan.

      2. (B)

        1. (i) The state-supported retirement system's uniform legal form of the qualified domestic relations order shall be approved by the Legislative Council.

        2. (ii) A state-supported retirement system is not required to comply with a qualified domestic relations order that does not substantially follow the uniform legal form approved by the Legislative Council.

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