Payments — Effect

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  1. (a)

    1. (1) All child support payments made on cases brought pursuant to Title IV-D shall be paid through the clearinghouse to be operated under the auspices of the Office of Child Support Enforcement of the Revenue Division of the Department of Finance and Administration.

    2. (2) Alimony payments may be paid through the clearinghouse if an order to pay child support is included in the order of alimony.

    3. (3) Support payments under § 9-14-803(b) and any other payments required by court order to be made through the registry of the court or through the clerk of the court shall be made to the clearinghouse.

  2. (b)

    1. (1) All orders directing payments through the clearinghouse shall set forth a fee to be paid by the noncustodial parent or obligated spouse in the amount of thirty-six dollars ($36.00) per year, or nine dollars ($9.00) per quarter at the option of the obligated parent, until no children remain minor, the child support obligation is extinguished, and any arrears are completely satisfied.

    2. (2) If the court sets an annual fee or a pro rata amount representing the portion of the fee due for the remainder of the calendar year, it shall be collected from the noncustodial parent or obligated spouse at the time of the first payment, and a thirty-six-dollar fee shall be collected in January of each year thereafter until no children remain minor and the support obligation is extinguished.

    3. (3) The office shall have all rights and responsibilities of the clerk of the court, including, but not limited to, those rights and responsibilities set out in §§ 9-10-109 and 9-12-312.

  3. (c) In all cases transferred to the clearinghouse by the clerk of the court, the fee paid by the noncustodial parent pursuant to §§ 9-10-109 and 9-12-312 paid subsequent to the transfer of the case shall be paid to the clearinghouse.

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