Notice to employer

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  1. (a) Notice shall be sent to the employer or payor of the parent for whom income withholding for healthcare coverage has been ordered.

  2. (b) The notice may be served on the employer or payor as if it were a summons pursuant to Rule 4 of the Arkansas Rules of Civil Procedure or may be sent to the employer by any form of mail requiring a signed receipt.

  3. (c) The notice shall contain the following information:

    1. (1) The parent's name and Social Security number;

    2. (2) That the parent has been required to provide and maintain healthcare coverage for a dependent minor child;

    3. (3) The name, date of birth, and Social Security number for each child;

    4. (4) That the employer should complete the enrollment requirements with the assistance of the custodial parent, noncustodial parent, employee, or the Office of Child Support Enforcement of the Revenue Division of the Department of Finance and Administration and begin withholding funds sufficient from the earnings due the parent to cover premiums for placing the minor child on the parent's healthcare coverage as provided by the employer and pay such funds so withheld to the insurer;

    5. (5) That withholding is binding on the payor for current and subsequent periods of employment or until further notice by the court or its representative;

    6. (6) That the payor must notify the court or its representative immediately when the noncustodial parent terminates employment or takes other adverse action terminating the income source or healthcare coverage and shall provide the noncustodial parent's last known address and the name and address of any new employer or new healthcare coverage provider, if known, or both;

    7. (7) That the employer must implement healthcare coverage for the minor child immediately upon receipt of the notice without regard to any enrollment season restrictions; and

    8. (8) That the employer must not remove a minor child from enrollment for coverage unless:

      1. (A) The employer has received evidence in writing that the court or administrative order is no longer in effect;

      2. (B) The child is or will be enrolled in comparable healthcare coverage by the noncustodial parent that will take effect not later than the effective date of the disenrollment; or

      3. (C) The employer has eliminated family healthcare coverage for all of its employees.

  4. (d) In cases being enforced under Title IV-D of the Social Security Act, 42 U.S.C. § 651 et seq., by the office, § 9-14-516 shall apply.

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