Persons subject to income withholding — Ground for contest

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  1. (a) Any person under a court order to provide and maintain healthcare coverage as of March 6, 1991, shall be subject to income withholding for healthcare coverage provisions of this subchapter.

  2. (b) An order of income withholding for healthcare coverage shall become effective upon the completion of the notice requirement set forth in § 9-14-509.

  3. (c)

    1. (1) The fact that the custodial parent provides supplemental medical insurance coverage or that the minor child or children are otherwise eligible for Medicaid assistance shall not be a ground to contest an order of income withholding for healthcare coverage.

    2. (2) The only ground to contest an order of income withholding for healthcare coverage shall be mistake of fact.

  4. (d) The noncustodial parent shall not eliminate healthcare coverage for the minor child or children without receiving evidence in writing that the court or administrative order providing for the healthcare coverage is no longer in effect.

  5. (e) Whenever the court orders the noncustodial parent to provide healthcare coverage and the noncustodial parent fails or refuses to comply or eliminates healthcare coverage in violation of subsection (d) of this section, that fact shall be disclosed to the court and may be considered a ground for civil or criminal contempt of court.

  6. (f) In cases being enforced under Title IV-D of the Social Security Act, 42 U.S.C. § 651 et seq., by the Office of Child Support Enforcement of the Revenue Division of the Department of Finance and Administration, § 9-14-516 shall apply.

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