Communication with custodial parent or assignee

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  1. (a) Without regard to the fact that coverage may be provided through a policy benefiting the noncustodial parent of a child or children, any insurer, health maintenance organization, self-funded group, multiple-employer welfare arrangement, or hospital or medical services corporation operating in this state shall:

    1. (1) Receive claims for payment;

    2. (2) Respond to requests concerning information necessary to determine coverage status, claims status, health policy plan, or benefits for minor children for whom services are provided under Title IV-D of the Social Security Act, 42 U.S.C. § 651 et seq., regardless of the identity of the policyholder if the policy covers the child or to obtain benefits through coverage for minor children; and

    3. (3) Communicate with:

      1. (A) The custodial parent or parents or the noncustodial parent or parents of the minor child or children;

      2. (B) An assignee; or

      3. (C) The Office of Child Support Enforcement of the Revenue Division of the Department of Finance and Administration.

  2. (b) Any insurer, health maintenance organization, self-funded group, multiple-employer welfare arrangement, or hospital or medical services corporation operating in this state shall permit the custodial parent or the provider, with approval of the custodial parent, to submit claims for covered services without approval of the noncustodial parent and shall make payment on such claims directly to the custodial parent, the provider, or the office.

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