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The State Commission on Child Support [repealed] shall have the following duties:

  1. (1) To examine, investigate, and study the operation of the state's child support system to determine the extent to which such system is successful in securing support and parental involvement for children;

  2. (2) To make recommendations for legislation which would clarify and improve state laws in the areas of visitation, standards for support, enforcement of interstate obligations, paternity establishment, and support collection methods;

  3. (3) To evaluate the availability, cost, and effectiveness of services for support enforcement to children receiving aid and those not receiving aid and assist the Title IV-D agency in program improvements or enhancements which would increase the availability of support enforcement;

  4. (4) To examine proposed legislation and make recommendations concerning compliance with federal requirements for support collection; and

  5. (5) To review expedited process reporting for child support cases pending in the judicial districts from data furnished by the Administrative Office of the Courts and assist in compliance with case processing standards.

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