Collection of support obligations

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  1. (a) The Administrator of the Office of Child Support Enforcement of the Revenue Division of the Department of Finance and Administration is authorized to enter into professional service contracts with private individuals or businesses and public agencies concerning the establishment, and enforcement through court-ordered proceedings, of the collection, monitoring, and distribution of support obligations, including service of process as defined by § 9-14-206(d).

  2. (b)

    1. (1) The Arkansas Title IV-D child support enforcement agency may collect unreimbursed public or medical assistance under a cooperative agreement with the state's Title IV-A or Medicaid agencies for any unreimbursed public or medical assistance owed the state.

    2. (2) Under any cooperative agreement that disallows the expenditure of federal Title IV-D funds, Title IV-D expenditures for activities associated with the recovery of state Medicaid or unreimbursed public assistance funds shall be paid to the Title IV-D agency by the state agency for which the funds are recovered.

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