Arrearages — Payment after duty to support ceases — Definition

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  1. (a) If a child support arrearage or judgment exists at the time when any child entitled to support reaches the age of majority, is emancipated, or dies, or when the obligor's current duty to pay child support otherwise ceases, the obligor shall continue to pay an amount equal to the court-ordered child support, or an amount to be determined by a court based on the application of guidelines for child support under the family support chart, until such time as the child support arrearage or judgment has been satisfied.

  2. (b) Enforcement through income withholding, intercept of unemployment benefits or workers' compensation benefits, income tax intercept, additional payments ordered to be paid on the child support arrearage or judgment, contempt proceedings, or any other means of collection shall be available for the collection of a child support arrearage or judgment until the child support arrearage or judgment is satisfied.

  3. (c) Income withholding under § 9-14-221 may be used to satisfy a child support arrearage or judgment.

  4. (d) As used in this section, “judgment” means unpaid child support and medical bills, interest, attorney's fees, or costs associated with a child support case when such has been reduced to judgment by the court or become a judgment by operation of law.

  5. (e) The purpose of this section is to allow the enforcement and collection of child support arrearages and judgments after the obligor's duty to pay support ceases.

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