Healthcare coverage

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  1. (a) In all cases in which the support and care of any children are involved, the court may:

    1. (1) Order either parent to secure and maintain healthcare coverage for the benefit of the children when healthcare coverage is available or becomes available to the parent at a reasonable cost; and

    2. (2) Allocate the cost of coverage between the parents.

  2. (b)

    1. (1) When the noncustodial parent has secured such coverage, the signature of the custodial parent, indicated as such, shall be a valid authorization to the coverage provider or insurer for the purposes of processing a payment to the children's health services provider.

    2. (2) An order for healthcare coverage shall operate as an assignment of all benefit rights to require the insurer or coverage provider of the healthcare coverage to pay benefits for services rendered to the children to the custodial parent or to the children's health services provider.

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