Income withholding — Establishment and maintenance of system

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  1. (a)

    1. (1) The Office of Child Support Enforcement of the Revenue Division of the Department of Finance and Administration shall establish and maintain a system to promptly implement income withholding for support orders issued in other states.

    2. (2) The office shall also seek assistance from other states in implementing income withholding in other states for support orders issued in this state.

  2. (b) The other state shall forward to the office three (3) certified copies of the support order issued by its court or administrative forum and a notice that contains the noncustodial parent's name, Social Security number, and current address, the name and address of the payor to the noncustodial parent, the amount to be withheld, and the name and address where payments are to be mailed by the office.

  3. (c) Upon receipt of the notice and certified copies of the order, the office shall establish the case within its system and follow the procedures enumerated in §§ 9-14-221 — 9-14-223 and 9-14-229.

  4. (d) Payors notified of income withholding orders arising from other states shall be bound by and under the same requirements as though the order were issued by a court of this state under this subchapter.

  5. (e) The office shall forward all payments received under this subchapter to the address provided by the other state.

  6. (f) The office shall notify the state where the support order was entered when the noncustodial parent terminates employment within this state and shall provide the new address and new employer to the state, if known.

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