Assigned support rights — Notice — Termination of assignment

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  1. (a)

    1. (1) When a court has ordered support payments to a person who has made an assignment of support rights under § 9-14-109 or who has executed a contract with the Office of Child Support Enforcement of the Revenue Division of the Department of Finance and Administration for non-Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Program assistance, the office shall notify the clerk of the court.

    2. (2) Upon such notice, the clerk shall indicate in the registry of the court that the support is being collected under Title IV-D of the Social Security Act, and the clerk shall redirect all payments received to the office at the Arkansas Child Support Clearinghouse.

    3. (3) Notification to the clerk by the office shall be sufficient to authorize the clerk to redirect payments to the Arkansas Child Support Clearinghouse. The court need not hold a hearing on the matter, and child support shall be paid through the Arkansas Child Support Clearinghouse pursuant to § 9-14-801 et seq.

  2. (b) Lump-sum payments toward arrearages received by the clerk subsequent to termination of the assignment that were collected by the office through debt setoff or legal process shall be redirected to the Arkansas Child Support Clearinghouse.

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