Hearings for enforcement of support orders

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  1. (a)

    1. (1) Hearings in all child support cases and paternity cases brought pursuant to Title IV-D of the Social Security Act shall be heard within a reasonable period of time following service of process in each county in the state as defined in this section.

    2. (2) In each of the seventy-five (75) counties of this state, the circuit judge or judges of the judicial district for the county may designate at least one (1) day per month, and shall designate additional days each month when expedited process is not met in the preceding quarter, in each county to docket and hear matters concerning the establishment and enforcement of support orders and paternity. These dates shall be publicized in the court calendar for the judicial district each calendar year, clearly noting the county and time of day the court shall commence to sit on these matters.

    3. (3)

      1. (A) In addition, in all actions in which delinquency or other support-related noncompliance has been identified, cases brought pursuant to Title IV-D of the Social Security Act shall be completed from the time of delinquency or the location of the noncustodial parent by the Office of Child Support Enforcement of the Revenue Division of the Department of Finance and Administration, whichever is later, to the time of disposition within the following time periods within each judicial district:

        1. (i) No more than thirty (30) calendar days, if service of process is not needed; or

        2. (ii) In cases in which service of process is required, the circuit judge or judges of a judicial district shall hear and dispose of seventy-five percent (75%) of all Title IV-D cases within forty-five (45) days after filing when service is obtained. However, when there is a need for relocation of the noncustodial parent in order to achieve service, the forty-five-day time period shall not commence until the filing of the court's last order to appear and show cause or subsequent other pleading or order necessary to proceed with service.

      2. (B) In addition, in all Title IV-D actions:

        1. (i) The sheriff of the county in which the case is filed shall use diligent efforts to obtain service of process on the noncustodial parent within ten (10) days from the date of a service request and, if service of process is not accomplished within ten (10) days, the sheriff shall return the service papers to the requesting party and note specifically the reasons for nonservice. The return shall be filed with the circuit clerk within eleven (11) days of the request for service whether the return is based on service or nonservice; and

        2. (ii) Pursuant to § 16-20-101, the clerk of the court shall file or docket all Title IV-D cases, pleadings, and orders on the date received, but no later than the close of business the following business day after the cases, pleadings, or orders are received in the clerk's office. Filed cases, pleadings, orders, or court documents in all Title IV-D cases shall be returned or made available to the filing party immediately thereafter.

      3. (C)

        1. (i) All actions to establish paternity and support obligations in cases brought pursuant to Title IV-D of the Social Security Act shall be completed from the time of service to the time of disposition within the following time periods within each judicial district:

          1. (a) Seventy-five percent (75%) in six (6) months; and

          2. (b) Ninety percent (90%) in twelve (12) months.

        2. (ii) When calculating these rates of disposition:

          1. (a) The percentages will be based upon a comparison of all disposed cases to the total of all filed cases for the preceding quarter within each judicial district that have been brought pursuant to Title IV-D of the Social Security Act; and

          2. (b) In any jurisdiction in which twenty (20) or fewer Title IV-D cases have been filed during the preceding quarter, when applying the percentages set forth in subdivision (a)(3)(C)(i) of this section, the next lowest whole number will be utilized for purposes of the measurement of compliance.

      4. (D) These calculations will be for the quarter ending April 1, 1995, and each three (3) months thereafter.

  2. (b)

    1. (1)

      1. (A) The circuit judge or judges of a judicial district shall provide for expedited support and paternity hearings in each county of the district.

      2. (B) The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court shall direct the redistribution of caseload assignments or appoint an additional circuit judge or judges to hear Title IV-D cases and assist the county or judicial district and to serve in accordance with this section, if necessary, to meet the time requirements for processing Title IV-D cases.

    2. (2)

      1. (A) Upon agreement of the circuit judges and clerks in the counties selected by the Office of Child Support Enforcement, the Office of Child Support Enforcement shall designate up to ten (10) counties of various populations, geographic locations, and economic development for test purposes and to conduct demonstration projects for expedited process to determine the feasibility of implementing innovative policies, procedures, practices, and techniques, including, but not limited to, a quasijudicial process, in the establishment of paternity, child support, and enforcement of child support orders pursuant to Title IV-D of the Social Security Act.

      2. (B) The Office of Child Support Enforcement shall notify and obtain the agreement of all affected judges and clerks in each of the designated counties of their selection thirty (30) days prior to implementation of the demonstration project.

      3. (C) Such demonstration projects shall automatically terminate by operation of law on April 1, 2001, or may be extended upon application by the Office of Child Support Enforcement and the consent of the Governor.

  3. (c) The compensation to be allowed a circuit judge appointed under this section shall be as prescribed by current law for appointed circuit judges.

  4. (d)

    1. (1) The appointed circuit judge shall have the same authority and power as a circuit judge to issue any and all process in conducting hearings and other proceedings in accordance with this section.

    2. (2) In addition, the appointed circuit judge shall have those powers as other judges under state and federal law and Title IV-D of the Social Security Act.

  5. (e) The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court may recall from retirement a circuit judge and appoint same pursuant to this section to assist the state in meeting the required time frames noted in this section.

  6. (f) The Office of Child Support Enforcement shall furnish to the Administrative Office of the Courts caseload information and data regarding the Title IV-D cases filed by the attorneys for the State of Arkansas.

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