Arkansas Registry of Child Support Orders — Definition

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  1. (a) As used in this section, “child support order” means a judgment, decree, or order, whether temporary, final, or subject to modification, issued by a court or an administrative agency of competent jurisdiction, for the support and maintenance of a child, including a child who has attained the age of majority under the law of the issuing state, or a child and the parent with whom the child is living, that provides for monetary support, health care, arrearages, or reimbursement, and that may include related costs and fees, interest and penalties, income withholding, attorney's fees, and other relief.

  2. (b)

    1. (1)

      1. (A) Not later than October 1, 1998, the Office of Child Support Enforcement of the Revenue Division of the Department of Finance and Administration will establish and maintain an automated registry of child support orders to be known as the “Arkansas Registry of Child Support Orders”.

      2. (B) The registry will contain abstracts of child support orders and other information on each child support case in the state established or modified on or after October 1, 1998.

      3. (C) The registry will further contain abstracts of all child support orders for cases in which services are being provided by the Office of Child Support Enforcement pursuant to Title IV-D of the Social Security Act.

    2. (2) Abstracts of child support orders and other information on each child support case will include information as required by the United States Department of Health and Human Services, as specified in federal regulations, including, but not limited to, names, Social Security numbers or other uniform identification numbers, and case identification numbers that will identify individuals who owe or are owed child support or on whose behalf the establishment of support obligations is sought and the name of the county in which the case is filed.

    3. (3)

      1. (A) Each child support case in the registry for which services are being provided under Title IV-D of the Social Security Act will include the amount of monthly or other periodic support owed under the order, and other amounts, including arrearages, interest, or late penalties and fees, that are due or overdue under the order, information on moneys collected and distributed on each case, the birthdate of any child for whom the order requires support, and the amount of any lien imposed with respect to the support order.

      2. (B) Payment history information on Title IV-D child support cases maintained in the registry will be provided by the Office of Child Support Enforcement.

  3. (c)

    1. (1) From time to time, as may be required, the Office of Child Support Enforcement will consult with the Administrative Office of the Courts to appropriately revise the statistical case data reporting system of the Administrative Office of the Courts in order to meet requirements of the registry.

    2. (2) The Administrative Office of the Courts will advise all clerks of court or other court personnel responsible for completion of the case data reporting of any revised statistical reporting requirements.

    3. (3) It is the specific intent of the General Assembly that the registry be established and maintained by modification to the case information reporting system currently administered through the Administrative Office of the Courts without imposing duplicate reporting requirements on the clerks of court.

  4. (d)

    1. (1) The Office of Child Support Enforcement will have access to statistical case information compiled by the Administrative Office of the Courts for the purpose of administering the registry.

    2. (2) The cost of development and maintenance of the registry will be the responsibility of the Office of Child Support Enforcement.

    3. (3) The cost of collection, storage, and retrieval of data for the registry will be the responsibility of the Office of Child Support Enforcement.

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