Quarterly report of funds, moneys, etc., received for child support

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  1. (a)

    1. (1)

      1. (A) Upon application of any interested person to any judge of any court of record having jurisdiction of the cause of action, the court may require any person receiving as guardian of the person, either by adoption of law or order of any court, any funds, moneys, credits, goods, chattels, or anything of value for the support, maintenance, care, or custody of a minor child to file a verified quarterly report of all moneys or goods received therefor.

      2. (B) The report shall state the items, goods, or services, the date purchased, and from whom purchased.

    2. (2) The quarterly report shall be filed with the clerk of the court or other body rendering the original order or decree between the first and fifteenth day of the calendar month immediately following the end of each calendar quarter.

  2. (b)

    1. (1) This section shall apply to all awards, orders, or decrees made by any court or legally constituted body making such award.

    2. (2) Any report required to be made under this section shall be a public record.

  3. (c) It is the purpose of this section and the intention of the General Assembly that any funds, moneys, credits, chattels, goods, or anything of value that have been or are ordered, decreed, adjudged, adjudicated, or awarded for the use and benefit of any minor child shall be used and inure solely to the use and benefit of the minor child for which it is or was ordered paid.

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