Yard waste — Definitions

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  1. (a)

    1. (1)

      1. (A) Except as provided in subdivision (a)(2) of this section, it is illegal for yard waste to be placed in a solid waste management facility solely for the purpose of disposal, except for fugitive amounts of yard waste.

      2. (B) A permitted solid waste landfill may collect landfill gas from the fugitive amounts of yard waste for conversion to energy.

    2. (2)

      1. (A) If authorized by the Division of Environmental Quality through a permit modification process including a public notice and comment period, yard waste may be accepted by a permitted solid waste landfill that operates a landfill gas-to-energy system for the recovery and use of landfill gas as a renewable energy fuel source.

      2. (B) The division shall consider, at a minimum, the following before authorizing yard waste to be accepted by a solid waste landfill for disposal:

        1. (i) The number and types of permitted compost facilities accepting yard waste within the service areas of the solid waste landfill;

        2. (ii) The environmental impact of the proposed change in disposing of yard waste at a solid waste landfill instead of a permitted compost facility;

        3. (iii) The financial impact to each permitted compost facility located within the service area of the solid waste landfill;

        4. (iv) Whether the regional solid waste management board hosting the solid waste landfill and hosting a permitted compost facility within the solid waste landfill's service area supports the request;

        5. (v) The amount of yard waste the solid waste landfill intends to accept and the basis for estimating the volume of yard waste to be disposed in the solid waste landfill;

        6. (vi) The financial impact to residents and industry within the service area of the solid waste landfill;

        7. (vii) The location of the solid waste landfill;

        8. (viii) The location within the solid waste landfill for the placement of yard waste;

        9. (ix) The plans to offset the effects of disposing of yard waste on the volume reduction for municipal waste disposal;

        10. (x) A description and timeline for the landfill gas collected from the yard waste to become a renewable energy fuel source;

        11. (xi) The design and efficiency of the landfill gas collection system;

        12. (xii) A list of purchase power agreements that guarantee the collection and use of the landfill gas collected from the yard waste for energy conversion; and

        13. (xiii) Other information as may be required by the division.

      3. (C) Landfill gas recovered through the landfill gas-to-energy system shall be utilized for the generation of electricity or used as a substitute for conventional fuels.

  2. (b)

    1. (1) In addition to composting requirements for regional solid waste management districts set forth in § 8-6-719, each district shall furnish yard waste reduction or usage and/or opportunities to ensure that its residents are provided with the availability to choose, based upon need by population or area, ways and means of usage, reduction, reuse, or composting of yard waste.

    2. (2) Such choices of yard waste reduction or usage shall be submitted to the division for approval and shall become an integral part of the district's solid waste management plan.

  3. (c) As used in this section:

    1. (1) “Fugitive amounts of yard waste” means small quantities that escape the approved methods of usage, reduction, reuse, or composting of yard waste;

    2. (2) “Landfill gas-to-energy system” means the process of collecting, storing, and converting landfill gas to electricity for a direct fuel use or other use as a substitute for conventional fuels, including without limitation flaring for system testing, system maintenance, or proving capacity for an intended energy use; and

    3. (3) “Yard waste” means grass clippings, leaves, and shrubbery trimmings.

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