Counting votes for unopposed and deceased candidates

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  1. (a)

    1. (1) The votes received by an unopposed candidate in any election held in this state may be counted or tabulated for administrative purposes but shall not be certified, unless otherwise provided by law, by the election officials. The word “UNOPPOSED” shall be inserted on the tally sheet to indicate that the candidate has received a majority of the votes cast in the election. However, the votes received by an unopposed candidate for the office of Mayor, Governor, and Circuit Clerk shall be counted and tabulated by the election officials.

    2. (2) All other unopposed candidates shall be declared and certified as elected in the same manner as if the candidate had been voted upon at the election.

  2. (b)

    1. (1) The votes received by any person whose name appeared on the ballot and who withdrew or died after the certification of the ballot shall be counted.

    2. (2)

      1. (A) If the person received enough votes to win the election, a vacancy in election shall be declared.

      2. (B)

        1. (i) If the person received enough votes to qualify for a runoff, the person's name shall appear on the runoff ballot.

        2. (ii) If enough votes are cast for the person to win the runoff, then a vacancy in election shall exist.

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