Authority of Division of Higher Education

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  1. (a) The Division of Higher Education is authorized by this subchapter to develop and promulgate rules for the administration of the Arkansas Academic Challenge Scholarship Program, consistent with the purposes and requirements of this subchapter.

  2. (b) The rules shall include student eligibility criteria based on the provisions of this subchapter, the method for selecting scholarship recipients, rules for determining continuing eligibility, procedures for making payment to recipients, and other administrative procedures that may be necessary for the implementation and operation of the program.

  3. (c) Until the end of fiscal year 2011, the Division of Higher Education is authorized to expend each year for data processing and other administrative costs of this program up to one and five-tenths percent (1.5%) of the amount appropriated for the program.

  4. (d) Applicants must certify that they are drug-free and must pledge in writing on the application form to refrain from the use or abuse of illegal substances in order to maintain eligibility for this program.

  5. (e)

    1. (1) The Division of Elementary and Secondary Education and the Division of Higher Education are directed to develop appropriate informational materials on the Arkansas Academic Challenge Scholarship Program and to ensure their distribution to Arkansas students in grades seven through twelve (7-12) each year as part of the packet of materials on precollegiate preparation distributed by the Division of Elementary and Secondary Education as mandated by § 6-61-217.

    2. (2) The distribution of information shall be accomplished through the collaboration of school counselors and other appropriate school personnel.

  6. (f) The Director of the Division of Higher Education is authorized to review and evaluate the operation of the program with regard to eligibility criteria and size of the scholarship award to ensure that the program's operation meets the intent of this subchapter.

  7. (g) The Division of Higher Education is authorized to determine the necessary procedures for the awarding of scholarships should the number of eligible applicants exceed the funds available.

  8. (h) The Division of Higher Education shall report to the General Assembly annually regarding the implementation of the provisions of this subchapter.

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