Grants — Priority

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  1. (a)

    1. (1) The first priority for the award of funds under the Teacher Opportunity Program is the award of reimbursements for additional education in:

      1. (A) Science, technology, engineering, or mathematics fields;

      2. (B) Computer science;

      3. (C) Literacy or reading;

      4. (D) Prekindergarten education; or

      5. (E) Special education.

    2. (2) If funds are available after all awards are made under subdivision (a)(1) of this section, then additional reimbursements may be made in accordance with the following:

      1. (A) A student may receive reimbursements up to but not in excess of the cost of his or her student fees, books, and instructional supplies at the public institution of higher education in this state assessing the highest rate of student fees;

      2. (B) The reimbursements made to one (1) student within one (1) fiscal year may not exceed the costs associated with six (6) semester credit hours or the equivalent of six (6) semester credit hours; and

      3. (C) All other requirements established by the Division of Higher Education are met.

  2. (b)

    1. (1) The Division of Higher Education shall determine priorities for awarding reimbursements if there are more applicants than funds available.

    2. (2) Priorities shall be determined in coordination with the Division of Elementary and Secondary Education and shall be based on the needs of the state.

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