Automated school bus safety camera — Definition

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  1. (a) As used in this section, “automated school bus safety camera” means a device that is affixed to a school bus and is synchronized to automatically record video or one (1) or more sequenced photographs of a motor vehicle passing a school bus in violation of § 27-51-1004.

  2. (b) A public school district or an open-enrollment public charter school may:

    1. (1) Install and operate an automated school bus safety camera on a school bus; and

    2. (2) Enter into a contract with a private vendor to install and operate the automated school bus safety camera.

  3. (c) A public school district or an open-enrollment public charter school that uses automated school bus safety cameras shall provide a video or photograph recorded by an automated school bus safety camera for use as evidence in a criminal or civil proceeding for a violation of an offense under § 27-51-1001 et seq. when requested by an investigating law enforcement agency.

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