Required resources

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Each pre-adjudication probation program established under this subchapter, subject to an appropriation, funding, and position authorization, both programmatic and administrative, shall be provided with the following resources:

  1. (1) The Department of Community Correction shall provide the following pursuant to § 5-4-903 for adult offenders:

    1. (A) A minimum of one (1) counselor position for every thirty (30) pre-adjudication probation program participants;

    2. (B) A minimum of one (1) probation officer position for every forty (40) pre-adjudication probation program participants;

    3. (C) A minimum of one (1) administrative assistant position for each pre-adjudication probation program; and

    4. (D) Drug screens and testing as needed.

  2. (2) The Administrative Office of the Courts shall:

    1. (A) Provide funding for additional ongoing maintenance and operation costs of local pre-adjudication probation programs not provided by the Department of Community Correction or the Department of Human Services, including without limitation local pre-adjudication probation program supplies, education, travel, and related expenses;

    2. (B) Provide direct support to the pre-adjudication probation program judge and pre-adjudication probation program;

    3. (C) Provide coordination between the multidisciplinary team and the pre-adjudication probation program judge;

    4. (D) Provide case management;

    5. (E) Monitor compliance of pre-adjudication probation program participants with pre-adjudication probation program requirements; and

    6. (F) Provide pre-adjudication probation program evaluation and accountability.

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