Request for special notice of hearings

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  1. (a)

    1. (1) At any time after the issuance of letters of guardianship, any department, bureau, agency, or political subdivision of the United States or of this state which makes or awards compensation, pension, insurance, or other allowance for the benefit of the ward's estate; or any department, bureau, agency, or political subdivision of the United States or of this state, or any charitable organization, which may be charged with the supervision, control, or custody of the incapacitated person; or an interested person may serve, in person or by attorney, upon the guardian or upon his or her attorney and file with the clerk of the court where the proceedings are pending, with a written admission or proof of service, a written request stating that he or she desires written notice of all hearings on petitions for:

      1. (A) The settlements of accounts;

      2. (B) The sale, mortgage, lease, or exchange of any property of the estate;

      3. (C) An allowance of any nature payable from the ward's estate;

      4. (D) The investment of funds of the estate;

      5. (E) The removal, suspension, or discharge of the guardian or final termination of the guardianship; and

      6. (F) Any other matter affecting the welfare or care of the incapacitated person and his or her property.

    2. (2) The applicant for such a notice must include in his or her written request his or her post office address or that of his or her attorney.

  2. (b) Unless the court otherwise directs, upon filing the request, the person shall be entitled to notice of all such hearings or of such of them as he or she designates in his or her request.

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