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As used in this subchapter:

  1. (1) “Acre-foot” means the volumetric measure equal to forty-three thousand five hundred sixty cubic feet (43,560 cu. ft.) or approximately three hundred twenty-five thousand nine hundred gallons (325,900 gals.);

  2. (2) “Application” means a written request for approval of a project for tax credits, describing the project, including a water conservation plan outlining the operation of the project and any additional requirements as the Arkansas Natural Resources Commission may adopt by rule;

  3. (3) “Approved applicant” means an individual, fiduciary, partnership, limited liability company, or corporation that submits a written request for approval of a project for tax credits in compliance with this subchapter and receives a certificate of approval for that project;

  4. (4) “Commission” means the Arkansas Natural Resources Commission;

  5. (5) “Critical groundwater areas” means those areas that are designated by the commission pursuant to the Arkansas Groundwater Protection and Management Act, § 15-22-901 et seq.;

  6. (6) “Department” means the Department of Finance and Administration;

  7. (7) “Land leveling” means modifying the surface relief of a field to a planned grade to provide a more suitable surface for efficiently applying irrigation water without excessive erosion, loss of water quality, or damage to land by waterlogging;

  8. (8) “Project” means:

    1. (A) The construction, installation, or restoration of water impoundment or water control structures of twenty (20) acre-feet or more designed for the purpose of storing water to be used for agricultural, commercial, or industrial purposes;

    2. (B) The conversion from groundwater to surface water use by agricultural, commercial, industrial, or recreational water users;

    3. (C) Agricultural land leveling resulting in water savings due to the more efficient use of irrigation water for which tax credits are claimed; and

    4. (D)

      1. (i) The purchase and installation of water measuring or metering devices used to determine the quantity of water used.

      2. (ii) Installation of such devices shall be considered a conversion from groundwater to surface water for tax credit purposes; and

  9. (9) “Project cost” means the actual expenditure for a project, less any reimbursement received by the approved applicant from cost-share programs.

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