(a) No insurer, whether an authorized or unauthorized insurer, shall make available through any rating plan or form any fire, casualty, or surety insurance to any person, firm, corporation, or association of individuals at any preferred rate, premium, or form of contract based upon any fictitious grouping of the firm, corporation, or association.
(b) “Fictitious grouping” is defined and declared to be the grouping by membership, nonmembership, license, franchise, agreement, contract, or any other method or means wherein the person, firm, corporation, or association of individuals of a group may receive a preferred rate, premium, or form of insurance contract.
(c) Nothing in this section shall apply to the State of Arkansas or any governmental unit thereof, including counties, school districts, municipalities, state agencies, or any other governmental subsidiary, to life or accident and health insurance or to annuity contracts, nor to any insurer that restricts its insurance coverage to members of a particular association or organization with which the insurer is directly affiliated.