(a) This subchapter shall be known and may be cited as the “Sustainable Energy-Efficient Buildings Act”.
(b) The General Assembly finds that:
(1) Public buildings can be built and renovated using sustainable, energy-efficient methods that save money, reduce negative environmental impacts, improve employee and student performance, and make employees and students more productive;
(2) The main objectives of sustainable, energy-efficient designs are to:
(A) Avoid resource depletion of energy, water, and raw materials;
(B) Prevent environmental degradation caused by facilities and infrastructure throughout their life cycle; and
(C) Create buildings that are livable, comfortable, safe, and productive; and
(3) State-owned buildings and buildings owned by an institution of higher education can be improved by establishing specific performance criteria and goals for sustainable, energy-efficient public buildings that are based on recognized, consensual standards with a scientifically proven basis and a history of successful performance.