Reports in case of vacancy in office

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  1. (a) In case any officer shall die or resign, or his or her office become otherwise vacated before the expiration of the full term, the report of the officer's receipts and expenditures as required pursuant to this subchapter shall immediately, upon such vacation, be rendered for that portion of the year during which the office was occupied by him or her.

  2. (b) The net amount of money to be credited to such outgoing officer shall be proportioned at the rate of five thousand dollars ($5,000) per year for the length of time he or she occupied the office.

  3. (c) In case of death of an officer, the report and settlement as therein prescribed shall be made by his or her executor or administrator under the same penalties for refusal or neglect to render the report or for knowingly and willfully filing a false report as prescribed for an offending officer in § 21-7-201.

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