Monthly reports by certain state officers — Disposition of funds

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  1. (a)

    1. (1) The Secretary of State, Auditor of State, and Commissioner of State Lands shall each render to the Treasurer of State, on the first day of each month, a statement of the amounts received by him or her from fees and emoluments of office during the month preceding.

    2. (2) The officer shall, at the same time, deposit with the Treasurer of State the amounts in the identical pieces of money, or the evidence of value so received.

    3. (3) The Treasurer of State shall render to the Auditor of State, in like manner in all respects, monthly statements in detail of the amounts by him or her directly received from fees and emoluments proper from the office of the Treasurer of State.

  2. (b) The officers shall each incorporate into his or her regular report to the Governor, for transmission to the General Assembly, a classified statement of the sums received by him or her from fees and emoluments since the date of his or her last report.

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