Vitamins and other ingredients — Bread

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  1. (a) It shall be unlawful for any person to manufacture, bake, sell, or offer for sale, or to receive in interstate shipment for sale for human consumption in this state, any bread, as defined in § 20-57-302, unless the following vitamins and other ingredients are contained in each pound of the bread:

    1. (1) Not less than one and one-tenth milligram (1.1 mg) of Vitamin B1 (thiamin);

    2. (2) Not less than seven-tenths milligram (0.7 mg) of riboflavin;

    3. (3) Not less than ten milligrams (10.0 mg) of niacin (nicotinic acid) or nicotinic acid amide (niacin amide); and

    4. (4) Not less than ten milligrams (10.0 mg) of iron (Fe).

  2. (b) These ingredients and amounts are in accordance with the definition of enriched bread as promulgated by the United States Food and Drug Administration, 21 C.F.R. § 136.115.

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