Label of compliance

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  1. (a) No retailer shall sell or offer for sale to anyone within this state any manufactured home manufactured after June 15, 1976, unless the manufactured home bears a United States Department of Housing and Urban Development label issued by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development or its contract agent.

  2. (b) All manufacturers of new manufactured homes in this state shall cause to be affixed a United States Department of Housing and Urban Development label on all manufactured homes.

  3. (c) The Director of the Arkansas Manufactured Home Commission, acting as in-plant primary inspection agency on contract with the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, shall issue labels to any manufacturer when he or she is sure, by inspection of the plant, that the manufacturer is complying with the federal Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards.

  4. (d)

    1. (1) All manufactured homes bearing a United States Department of Housing and Urban Development label issued by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development pursuant to this chapter shall be deemed to comply with the requirements of all ordinances or regulations enacted by any local government which are applicable to the construction of such housing.

    2. (2) The determination by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development of the scope of the approval is final.

  5. (e) No person shall alter or cause to be altered any manufactured home to which a label has been affixed if the alteration or conversion causes the manufactured home to be in violation of the federal Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards.

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