As used in this subchapter:
(1) “Interested person” means an individual, partnership, firm, joint stock company, corporation, association, trust, estate, or other legal entity that a court determines may have a pecuniary interest in a primate that is the subject of the petition under § 20-19-607;
(2) “Law enforcement officer” means a public servant vested by law with a duty to maintain public order or to make an arrest for an offense, including without limitation:
(A) An animal control officer; and
(B) An Arkansas State Game and Fish Commission wildlife officer;
(3) “Person” means an individual, a partnership, a corporation, an organization, or another legal entity or an officer, a member, a shareholder, a director, an employee, an agent, or a representative of a partnership, a corporation, an organization, or another legal entity;
(4) “Primate” means a live individual animal of the taxonomic order Primates, excluding humans;
(A) “Temporary holding facility” means an incorporated nonprofit animal protection organization, such as a registered humane society and shelter, that temporarily houses a primate at the written request of a law enforcement officer.
(B) “Temporary holding facility” includes a person that is a registered primate owner that is temporarily caring for a primate; and
(6) “Wildlife sanctuary” means a nonprofit entity that:
(A) Operates a place of refuge where abused, neglected, unwanted, impounded, abandoned, orphaned, or displaced animals are provided care;
(B) Does not conduct a commercial activity with respect to primates, including without limitation:
(i) Sale, trade, auction, lease, or loan of primates or parts of primates; or
(ii) Use of primates in a for-profit business or operation;
(C) Does not use primates for entertainment purposes or in a traveling exhibit;
(D) Does not breed primates; and
(E) Does not allow members of the public to be in proximity to primates without sufficient distance and protective barriers, including without limitation offering photographic opportunities next to a primate of any age.