Disclosure of affidavits

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  1. (a) The hospital, birthing center, certified nurse practitioner, or licensed midwife shall make available to the Office of Child Support Enforcement of the Revenue Division of the Department of Finance and Administration completed affidavits of paternity. Such a disclosure shall constitute an exception to the general prohibition under § 20-18-304.

  2. (b) Information obtained by the office pursuant to this section may be used in an action or proceeding before any court, administrative tribunal, or other body for the purpose of establishing a child support obligation or collecting the child support obligation.

  3. (c)

    1. (1)

      1. (A) The Division of Children and Family Services of the Department of Human Services may obtain a certified copy of a completed affidavit of paternity from the Division of Vital Records of the Department of Health.

      2. (B) The disclosure of the affidavit is exempted under § 20-18-304.

    2. (2) Information obtained by the Division of Children and Family Services of the Department of Human Services under subdivision (c)(1)(A) of this section may be used in an action before a circuit court for the purpose of identifying a parent in a dependency-neglect proceeding under § 9-27-303.

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