Alternative procedure

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  1. (a)

    1. (1) In lieu of bringing an action under this subchapter, the Department of Human Services, in its sole discretion, may place a designated employee from the department to act as monitor in the facility when any of the grounds for receivership exists in a facility.

    2. (2) The monitor shall observe operation of the facility, assist the facility by advising it on how to comply with the state and federal rules and regulations, and report periodically to the department on the operation of the facility.

    3. (3) A monitor shall remain in a facility not to exceed sixty (60) days.

  2. (b) At the end of the monitoring period, if the department determines that insufficient progress has been made by the facility for elimination of the grounds for appointment of a receivership, the department may proceed for appointment of a receivership upon the grounds which existed at the time of placement of the monitor in the facility.

  3. (c) The department may promulgate any rules as necessary to implement this section.

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