Denial, revocation, or suspension

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  1. (a) The Office of Long-Term Care may refuse to issue or renew a long-term care facility administrator's license or may revoke or suspend the license of a long-term care facility administrator if the office finds that the applicant or licensee does not qualify for licensure or has violated § 20-10-101(1)-(6), § 20-10-203(b), § 20-10-212, §§ 20-10-301 — 20-10-303 [repealed], § 20-10-402, § 20-10-403, § 20-10-405(b), § 20-10-406, and this section or rules of the office relating to the proper administration and management of a long-term care facility.

  2. (b) Any denial of the issuance or renewal of a long-term care facility license or a long-term care facility administrator's license or the revocation or suspension of the license shall be after notice and hearing before an impartial hearing officer as provided in § 20-10-208 and shall be subject to judicial review as provided in § 20-10-212.

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