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  1. (a) The Office of Long-Term Care is vested with the authority and duty to prescribe minimum qualifications for long-term care facility administrators and license persons as long-term care facility administrators who make application for licensure and meet the minimum qualifications as prescribed in this section and by rule of the office.

  2. (b) No license shall be issued to a person as a long-term care facility administrator unless:

    1. (1) He or she is at least twenty-one (21) years of age, of good moral character, and of sound physical and mental health;

    2. (2) He or she has:

      1. (A) Satisfactorily completed a course of instruction and training prescribed by the office. The course shall be so designed as to content and administered so as to present sufficient knowledge of the needs properly to be served by long-term care facilities, laws governing the operation of long-term care facilities and the protection of the interests of patients therein, and the elements of good long-term care facility administration;

      2. (B) Presented evidence satisfactory to the office of sufficient education, training, or experience in the foregoing field to administer, supervise, and manage a long-term care facility; or

      3. (C) Participated for one (1) year in an administrator-in-training program approved by the office; and

    3. (3) He or she has passed an examination administered by the office and designed to test for competence in the subject matter referred to in subdivision (b)(2) of this section.

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