Alterations, additions, and new construction of facilities

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  1. (a) The Department of Human Services shall prescribe by rule that any licensee or applicant desiring to make specified types of alterations or additions to its facilities or to construct new facilities shall, before commencing such alterations, additions, or new construction, submit plans and specifications for them to the department for preliminary inspection and approval or recommendations with respect to compliance with the rules and standards.

  2. (b) From time to time, the Secretary of the Department of Human Services or his or her agent shall inspect each construction project approved by the United States Surgeon General. If the inspection so warrants, the secretary or his or her agent shall certify to the United States Surgeon General that work has been performed upon the project, or purchases have been made, in accordance with the approved plans and specifications, and that payment of an installment of federal funds is due the applicant.

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