Penalties for §§ 20-10-213 — 20-10-228

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  1. (a) Any person, partnership, association, or corporation establishing, conducting, managing, or operating any institution or facility or any combination of separate entities working in concert within the meaning of §§ 20-10-213 — 20-10-228 without first obtaining a license therefor as provided or violating any provision of §§ 20-10-213 — 20-10-228 or rule lawfully promulgated under §§ 20-10-213 — 20-10-228 shall be guilty of a violation.

  2. (b) Upon conviction, the person, partnership, association, or corporation shall be liable for a fine of not less than one hundred dollars ($100) nor more than five hundred dollars ($500) for the first offense nor more than one thousand dollars ($1,000) for each subsequent offense.

  3. (c) Each day that the institution shall operate after a first conviction shall be considered a subsequent offense.

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