Information received by Office of Long-Term Care confidential

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  1. (a) Except in cases of civil or criminal litigation or as permitted in subsection (b) of this section, information received by the Office of Long-Term Care, through inspection or otherwise, shall not be disclosed publicly, in administrative appeals or otherwise, in such a manner as to identify long-term care facility residents, their families, or persons filing complaints against a long-term care facility.

  2. (b) Information received or generated by the office, including surveyors' notes, documents, photographs, or other materials gathered, generated, or used by the surveyors in their survey or investigation of a founded complaint, shall be made available to the long-term care facility that is the subject of the survey or investigation upon the completion of the investigation or survey. However, no information that reveals the identity or tends to reveal the identity of any complainant may be disclosed.

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