Existing unlicensed facilities

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  1. (a) Assisted living facilities and residential care facilities that are unlicensed on April 13, 2005, shall have until March 15, 2006, in which to apply for an assisted living facility license or residential care facility license.

  2. (b) Any assisted living facility or residential care facility that fails to become licensed on or before October 15, 2007, shall be subject to the provisions of § 20-10-2007.

  3. (c)

    1. (1) An assisted living facility or residential care facility shall be exempt from the state permit-of-approval process for purposes of this section if the facility obtains a license within the time provided in subsection (b) of this section.

    2. (2) After the time provided in subsection (b) of this section, the facility shall comply with the permit-of-approval process and methodology in all other respects.

  4. (d) The Office of Long-Term Care shall report to the Health Services Permit Agency when a facility has been licensed without a state permit of approval under this section.

  5. (e) The agency shall take account of the new beds in its counting for need purposes under the permit-of-approval methodology.

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