Cosmetology and barbering services

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  1. (a)

    1. (1) Cosmetology and barbering services provided to residents of nursing facilities and for which a fee is charged that is separate from and additional to monthly facility charges shall be provided only by a licensed cosmetologist or registered barber, respectively.

    2. (2)

      1. (A) Routine personal hygiene and related daily care services that are provided to residents of nursing facilities and for which the fee is included in the monthly facility charges may be provided by direct-care staff who are trained, licensed, and certified through various state and federal regulatory agencies.

      2. (B) With the exception of shampoos, conditioners, soaps, antiseptics, or similar items, routine personal hygiene and related daily care services shall not include the use of chemical or cosmetic preparations such as those used in permanent waving, bleaching, tinting, coloring, and dyeing.

  2. (b)

    1. (1) A direct-care staff member shall not be required to hold a license as a cosmetologist or barber in order to provide routine personal hygiene and related daily care services.

    2. (2) Nursing facilities shall be exempt from the licensure requirements for cosmetological establishments under § 17-26-401 et seq.

    3. (3) A relative of a resident of a nursing facility providing cosmetological services to a related resident of a nursing facility shall be exempt from the following:

      1. (A) The licensure requirements for cosmetologists under § 17-26-303; and

      2. (B) The registration requirements for barbers under § 17-20-301 et seq.

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