Long-term care facility — Notice of certain incidents — Definition

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  1. (a) As used in this section, “long-term care facility” means “long-term care facility” as defined by § 20-10-213.

  2. (b)

    1. (1) Within twenty-four (24) hours after the incident requiring notification occurs, a long-term care facility shall notify, if known, the resident's guardian or other responsible party when:

      1. (A) The resident suffers an injury;

      2. (B) The resident is taken outside the facility for medical care;

      3. (C) The resident is moved to a different room; or

      4. (D) There is any significant change in the physical or mental condition of the resident.

    2. (2) A long-term care facility that does not comply with this subsection commits a Class C violation under § 20-10-205 and is subject to a civil penalty under § 20-10-206.

  3. (c)

    1. (1) It is the responsibility of the long-term care facility to obtain an address and telephone number at which the resident's guardian or other responsible party is available for notification.

    2. (2) It is the responsibility of the resident's guardian or other responsible party to notify the long-term care facility of any change in address or telephone number.

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