Adverse action against residents prohibited — Violations

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  1. (a) No long-term care facility owner, administrator, employee, or other representative shall discriminate, retaliate, or seek reprisal in any manner against a resident or employee of a long-term care facility who has initiated or participated in any proceeding provided in this subchapter.

  2. (b) Any adverse action taken against a resident of a long-term care facility within one hundred twenty (120) days of the filing of a complaint or initiation of any action shall give rise to a rebuttable presumption that the action was taken by the owner, administrator, employee, or other representative in violation of subsection (a) of this section.

  3. (c) Failure to comply with this section by any facility owner, administrator, employee, or other representative shall be considered a Class B violation under § 20-10-205 for which civil penalties set forth in § 20-10-206 may be imposed.

  4. (d) Any appeal shall be under the procedure set forth in § 20-10-208.

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