Right of political subdivision to request payment

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  1. (a) If the United States declines to deal with a county judge with respect to any political subdivision whose jurisdictional limits are within or coextensive with the limits of the county, or in the event the jurisdictional limits of a political subdivision lie in more than one (1) county, then that subdivision is authorized to make request of the United States for the payment of such sums in lieu of taxes as the United States may agree to pay. The subdivision is empowered to enter into agreements with the United States for the performance by the subdivision of services for the benefit of a project, and for the payment by the United States to the subdivision, in one (1) or more installments, of sums in lieu of taxes.

  2. (b) The amount of the payment may be based upon the cost of performing the services during the period of the agreement, after taking into consideration the benefits to be derived by the subdivision from the project, but shall not be in excess of the taxes which would result to the political subdivision during the period if the real property of the project within the political subdivision were taxable.

  3. (c) Whenever any payment is received by a subdivision under an agreement entered into pursuant to this section, the governing body of the subdivision shall issue a receipt of the payment to the United States.

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