Statement of apportionment — Distribution of funds

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  1. (a) After apportioning any payments to the several accounts, as provided in § 19-7-906, the county treasurer shall prepare, in duplicate, a complete itemized statement of the apportionment, one (1) copy of which shall be filed with the county judge and the other filed with the clerk of the county court.

  2. (b)

    1. (1) The county judge, by appropriate resolution, shall order the distribution of each subdivision's share of sums in lieu of taxes to the several subdivisions entitled to a share.

    2. (2) The clerk of the county court shall thereupon draw warrants upon the county treasurer to the order of the political subdivisions entitled to a share of such payment of sums in lieu of taxes.

    3. (3) Whenever such warrant is presented to the county treasurer, he or she shall debit the proper account in the fund and shall pay immediately the amount of such warrant in full, without any deduction, to the political subdivision presenting it, notwithstanding any law providing the order in which warrants shall be paid.

    4. (4) The county treasurer shall not honor such warrant unless it is countersigned by the presiding officer of the governing body of the political subdivision.

  3. (c)

    1. (1) The acceptance by a political subdivision of any warrant delivered pursuant to this section shall be considered as an approval of the agreement under which the payment was received.

    2. (2) If any governing body of a political subdivision shall refuse to receive any warrant delivered pursuant to this section, the amount thereof shall be refunded by the county to the United States.

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