County Jail Reimbursement Fund

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  1. (a) The County Jail Reimbursement Fund is created and established on the books of the Treasurer of State, the Auditor of State, and the Chief Fiscal Officer of the State and shall consist of those general revenues or general improvement funds that may be provided by law.

  2. (b) The fund shall be used by the Division of Correction for reimbursing counties housing prisoners sentenced to the Division of Correction.

  3. (c) The fund shall be used by the Division of Community Correction for reimbursing counties that are housing prisoners:

    1. (1) Sentenced to the Division of Community Correction;

    2. (2) Placed on probation if the probation is accompanied by incarceration in the Division of Community Correction; or

    3. (3) Confined in a county jail under any prerelease program or sanction imposed in response to a violation of a supervised condition.

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