Review and continuance of programs

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  1. (a) The Legislative Council shall review the quarterly reports filed by the Secretary of the Department of Finance and Administration as required in this subchapter. The Legislative Council shall submit such findings and recommendations to each succeeding regular session of the General Assembly for enabling legislation to implement, restrict, or prohibit the state's participation in any such new federal program or expanded federal program which was implemented by contract or agreement entered into by the Governor subsequent to the adjournment of the preceding session of the General Assembly.

  2. (b) In the event the next regular session of the General Assembly shall fail to prohibit or restrict the state's participation in any new or expanded program implemented by contract or agreement signed by the Governor with the United States Government during the interim since the immediately preceding regular session of the General Assembly, then the state may continue to participate in the federal program. On the other hand, if the General Assembly shall restrict or prohibit the state's participation in any new or expanded federal program implemented by contract or agreement subsequent to the last regular session, then it shall be unlawful for the state to continue to participate in or to expend any state funds in connection with any such program. All contracts or agreements entered into by the Governor or any agency of the state acting under authority of the Governor shall be void and the state's participation therein shall cease upon the adjournment of the General Assembly, or at such later date if a later date for the termination of the state's participation therein has been prescribed by law.

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