Purchase required — Exception

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  1. (a) All suitable commodities and services, including small purchases, hereafter procured in accordance with applicable state specifications by or for any state department, institution, or agency shall be procured from nonprofit work centers for individuals with disabilities in all cases when such commodities are available within the period specified and at the fair market price for the article or articles so procured.

  2. (b) Services offered by work centers shall be procured by competitive sealed bidding as specified by § 19-11-229, competitive sealed proposals as specified by § 19-11-230, or competitive bidding as specified by § 19-11-234, subject to purchase exceptions set forth in § 19-11-902.

  3. (c) This section shall not apply in any cases in which products and services are available for procurement from any state department, institution, or agency, and procurement therefrom is required under the provisions of any law in effect on or after March 1, 1991.

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