(1) A renewal fee to be established by the Arkansas Board of Podiatric Medicine in an amount not to exceed one hundred dollars ($100) shall be paid on July 1 each year.
(A) If the fee is not paid within three (3) months, the license may be suspended or revoked.
(B) If the license is revoked, it shall only be reissued upon original application and examination.
(3) A penalty may be established by the board, and it shall not exceed one-half (½) of the renewal fee for renewal fees not paid before July 15 of each year.
(1) For renewal of a license, each licensee must present to the board a certificate of attendance at seminars or other continuing professional education courses in the health sciences as approved by the board.
(2) The number of hours of continuing education to be earned annually shall be set by the board.
(3) However, the requirement of continuing education may be waived by the board upon application by the licensee and proof of extenuating circumstances, as approved by the board.