Interest on judgments

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  1. (a)

    1. (1) Except as provided in subdivision (a)(2) of this section, a judgment entered by a court shall bear post-judgment interest and, if appropriate under the facts of the case, prejudgment interest:

      1. (A) In an action on a contract at the rate provided by the contract or at a rate equal to the Federal Reserve primary credit rate in effect on the date on which the judgment is entered plus two percent (2%), whichever is greater; and

      2. (B) In any other action at a rate equal to the Federal Reserve primary credit rate in effect on the date on which the judgment is entered plus two percent (2%).

    2. (2) Interest on a judgment shall not exceed the maximum rate permitted under Arkansas Constitution, Amendment 89.

  2. (b) A judgment rendered or to be rendered against a county in the state on a county warrant or other evidence of county indebtedness shall not bear interest.

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