Levy of tax — Preliminary expenses

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  1. (a) At the same time that the assessment of benefits is filed or at any subsequent time when called upon by the board of directors, the circuit court shall enter upon its records an order, which shall have all the force of a judgment providing that there shall be assessed upon the real property of the district a tax sufficient to pay the estimated cost of the improvement, with ten percent (10%) added for unforeseen contingencies.

  2. (b)

    1. (1) The tax is to be paid by the real property in the district in proportion to the amount of the assessment of benefits on the real property and shall be paid in annual installments not to exceed ten percent (10%) for any one (1) year, as provided in the order.

    2. (2) The circuit court may order that any tax of less than ten dollars ($10.00) per acre per year to be paid by the real property in the improvement district in proportion to the amount of the assessment of benefits is to be paid in one (1) year.

  3. (c) The tax so levied shall be a lien upon all the real property in the district from the time that the lien is levied by the circuit court, shall be entitled to preference over all demands, executions, encumbrances, or liens whenever created, and shall continue until the assessment, with penalty and costs that may accrue on the assessment, shall have been paid.

  4. (d) The remedy against the assessment of taxes shall be by appeal. The appeal must be taken within twenty (20) days from the date of the order by the circuit court. On the appeal the presumption shall be in favor of the legality of the tax.

  5. (e) Any owner of real property within the district by mandamus may by the circuit court compel compliance with the terms of this section.

  6. (f) If the board deems it not to the advantage of the district to proceed immediately with the construction of the improvement upon the filing and confirmation of the assessment of benefits, it may report to the circuit court the rate of taxation necessary to be levied to pay the preliminary expenses of the district. Thereupon, it shall be the duty of the circuit court to make a levy of taxes upon the real property in the district sufficient to pay the preliminary expenses, with ten percent (10%) added for unforeseen contingencies. This tax shall be extended upon the tax books of the county and collected along with other taxes in the same manner as the taxes levied for construction purposes, as provided in this chapter.

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